Great company! Finished the job on time. Ever Brite Marble diamond sanded our old marble floor removed all existing scratches, polished with water so the process created no dust at all, after the polish process, the floor was shining like brand new marble floor, then they sealed and crystallized the floor, the finished floor looked like crystal, better than original shine. And the sealer prevented dirty water penetration into marble floor, it is so easy to clean now! just wipe and go. Great thanks to Ever Brite marble. I would recommend to anybody that has old marble and needs to renew like what they call it. “marble cosmetics services”
我们在 New Port Beach 海边买了新房子一万多呎,地面都是意大利大理石,建商告诉我们大理石有自然的毛细孔会渗透必须 seal 防渗透处理才能够好清理,保持长久光亮。所以找了三家比较价钱,大成大理石价钱最合理,而且不嫌远,是回答最快的一家,也是开工期排得最近的。来了四组动作很专业的师傅,一早8:00 就开工,连续做了两天。完成的作品超出我的想象,本来我只是想做个保护处理,没想到大理石磨完以后亮度比原来新的大理石还要更光亮,我太开心了,老婆叫我一定要上评,好事要让大家都知道!